Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sage, Myrrh and Sandalwood - Purification. Deep Wound Healing and Connection to the Divine.

Spring has moved into summer --- much has happened since our last post…….. life moves on, doesn’t it!!

The sweet sage oil has been coming to my awareness these past few days…. The Romans know sage as herba sacra or the sacred herb. We know today – sage is most often used in the Native American nations for spiritual ceremony – an offering. The sacred sage cleanses and purifies the spirit – for sage holds the wisdom of the spheres within its fragrance, while summoning the powers that heal and protect. Sage is a protective spirit for those who are not afraid of the spiritual forces. The might of the heavens summoned by the sage is wisdom and power, standing fast in times of adversity. Sage’s purpose is all these things for the human. Also, it helps us to integrate a spirit that has the majesty of the heavens behind it, to call for the God and the celestial warriors to defend, protect , and heal the human spirit and Mother Earth. What a gift sage brings to us at this time.

I feel myself moving through yet another transition period, deeply challenged in finding my own self worth , my own value. Interesting as we witness the gushing forth of an artery from Mother Earth in the Gulf of Mexico, spewing forth thousands of gallons of oil, from deep in her belly. Deep is the calling of purification of our being. Yet the sages say: Om purnamadah purnamidam

Purnat purnamudacyate

Purnasya purnamadaya


Translated: Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the perfect, the perfect remains.

Feeling the essence of Sage – I knew this purification – I feel the move from within… It supports me in this transition. I felt waves of deep sadness, past memories – that made no sense – but were there – washing over me. I allowed these waves, flowing with the vibration. The gushng oil in the Gulf, is indeed, an outpicturing of the negative thinking we experience in the world – the blame, fear, anxiety, resentment, upset. These kind of thoughts are much like the oil – thick, toxic, ubiquitous, clouding our vision, like the oil clouds the water, and suffocates life. How can I be responsible for my own thoughts – to be responsible for every thought, spoken word and action. The Hoponopono prayer comes to mind. To live more closely with that – at every moment.

As I contemplated deeper, I felt another oil coming to me: Myrrh – ah, the deep resinous essence of myrrh – that ancient deep healing oil that our blessed ancients knew so well. This deep fragrance resonates with the wounded healer – the wounds running deep, carrying the pain of others, -- for infinity. Isn’t that what we are feeling from Mother Earth at this time. (one of my male friends said: “We are at war right now, in the Gulf of Mexico – it is really like that” – I was surprised at that comment, yet, it truly reflects at a deeper level what we are all feeling both within and without!). So it is fascinating that Myrrh has stepped forth on the heals of our sacred Sage – for in the cleansing and purification – deep wounds do get healed. Myrrh, with all its submerged meanings, links with the pathway of the soul, standing at the very crossroads. It would be so easy to walk down any road, hanging on to our wounds, but myrrh helps us to realize the need to let go, to forgive, and to move forward. I’m sorry, please for give me, thank you, I love you.

In my meditation, I saw myself wrapping my sadness gently carefully. “What to do? “ I said to myself. Then, it came to me . The time I lived in the Ashram – we had many Yagnas – where we offered much to the fire. I remember seeing Gurumayi offering Ghee, Black Sesame seeds, golden saris., precious jewels – I was reminded – this world is not something we are meant to hold on to – we can offer all to the Fire of the Great Self – and we are indeed purified. I saw that I could safely offer my sadness, my love, my thoughts, my concerns to this fire. That I could engage in my gifts as a spiritual offering.

Interesting, at this point, the divine oil of sandalwood appeared in my consciousness. My most favorite oil!! A fragrance that stretches out to the universe, into the hallowed space between heaven and earth, contacting the Divine Presence. So much more to share on sandalwood in the next post.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vanilla - From Purity to Elegance

Shortly after my last post, I received the word that my mom was critically ill and in the hospital. I was blessed to be with her, and bring her home to die peacefully in her own surroundings, where it was quiet and she was surrounded by family. I only had a few days with her – but they were very special, as I helped her in her transition from this life. Through touch and the sweet aromatic oils, she was able to be at peace. I was present to a bit of her struggle – as she was so ready to leave this world, and couldn’t understand why she couldn’t just close her eyes and be gone. This process made me present to how as we live – so it is how we die. As Mom and I walked through some of her life – looking at what could be holding her here, she understood, and was able to let go. In this way, I see how we can let go daily of whatever is holding us – so that we can move into that space where all things are present and we can be at peace. Life is beautiful. Death is beautiful – Fear is the only thing that keeps us (holds us back) from being present to our own beauty – right in front of us.

Following her death, I went through my own process of grief, for I felt, not only did I loose my mom, but I lost my family (my Dad died 10 years ago). My siblings are far away. My sister and I haven’t talked for years and years, and my brother feels separate, maybe because he is so far away, and this past year we haven’t communicated well, with a lot of financial turmoil going on. In my wanting to ‘hold on” – I had the opportunity to see clearly and let go – to let go of the “conditional family” and really feel my heart connection to others – who are, in fact my “heart” or my true family. What a liberation that was. Sorry – it only took me a couple of months to get there …….. Then this is what happened!

I was recently blessed with a gift of the Vanilla Orchid –Vanilla planifolia (syn. V. fragrans). I was excited – it is a beautiful, angular plant with strong broad green leaves. I knew nothing about it, yet have always loved vanilla – weather in cooking or in the blends that I have made. My mother would always make chocolate chip cookies – and they were delicious!! With the rich chocolate chips, butter and vanilla – I was in comfort heaven. I remember the last time she made them for me – it was a special effort on her part – for she wasn’t cooking anymore – but she so wanted me to have them – they were a gift from her heart. I then found this tidbit when I was researching the Vanilla Orchid: “Cortez discovered it in Mexico, where the Aztecs used it to flavor their chocolate drinks. In fact, the combination of chocolate and vanilla was deemed so emotionally powerful that Aztec women were forbidden the pleasure! However, the Spanish ladies of the New World were free to explore the delights of such heavenly nectar.”

It has such a rich, sweet balsamic, precious woody and soft odor, that has always felt very comforting and grounding. I often will put it in a blend for a person – who is needing that note of comfort, yet also grounding. It can be supported by frankincense – in the space of grief, and/or rose – to help heal and uplift from those wounds.

The research on Vanilla is quite interesting. It turns out that it is one of the few orchids which produces anything edible – out of 20,000 orchid varieties! The flower Is pure white, yet the seed pods – when they become quiet withered and dry are a dark brown and exhale one of the finest odors in the seed kingdom. It’s fragrance is familiar and consoling, offering safety from the harsh blows of life. It reminds us f home baked goods and gives us that sense of comfort and relief – a “security blanket” feeling, it is almost like being protected by the mother’s love. It also unleashes deeply felt emotions and hidden sensuality. Vanilla is known for its sensual aphrodisiac appeal and its comforting appeal has reached its popularity in today’s world through spas, candles, scrubs, tropical blends, incense creations, amber bases and oriental perfumes. Medicinally, it has been known to be used in a variety of ways from anxiety, nervousness, digestion, hunger cravings, flu like symptoms, fevers and chills, opening of the air passages, heal joint pain and headaches.

Outside of growing in Mexico (where the plant is harvest by a specific black fly), the flowers must be hand pollinated. The beans take 9 mos. before they are ready for harvest. At harvest, they are neither fragrant or flavorful – its distinctive properties are developed in the curing process. The culture and preparation of vanilla involves a kind of alchemy of sun an air. As the lower end of the pod begins to turn yellow, it releases a penetrating scent of bitter almonds. By degrees the color darkens, the flesh softens, and the true odor of vanilla begins to develop as the natural fermentation gradually progress up the pod ending in thick reddish drops – voila! The Vanilla oil!! Vanillin, the main aromatic components is easily synthesized but has no comparison or relation to the complexity of a true co2 extract. The molecular composition and structure is similar to the human pheromone and can mingle easily with it.

In this research I was struck by the analogy of life and of spirit. From the pure white bloom of this delicate flower (always reminds me of Spirit)– which only lasts a day, if that. It has to be hand pollinated outside of its’ original growing area where the natural insect resides (thus handled with intention and care- like us). The pod develops over 9 months (like humans do). At time of harvest, it has no flavor or fragrance (like a newborn – who has yet to develop its individualized expression). It then has to “cure” – (isn’t that what we – humans - do? – over time). I was particularly struck here as “curing” relates to healing, relates to personal growth and development, relates to developing our own distinctive properties – the alchemy of life itself. That early stage of curing of the bean, producing the scent of bitter almonds (haven’t most of us experienced those “bitter” moments of life). Then by degrees the color darkens, and the flesh softens (yes, that tight, firm skin of youth, softens as the fragrance of life itself exudes from our being – and our true odor emerges!). I became present to the unfolding of consciousness as it expresses it’s individualization through each of us – that final expression of the purity of the flower, born into this world – now expressed as a the most beautiful, rich fragrance.

“Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it” Mark Twain

Friday, January 29, 2010

Black Spruce: When Situations Become Overwhelming

We are told that the energies of 2012 are already here – the pace of change and challenges has certainly picked up strongly in these last few months – not only for myself, but I find for my clients. And now, we are in the first full (and largest full moon) of the year 2010.

In this blog, I have mentioned the power and presence of Frankincense. A powerful essential oil that leads us into the space of meditation. Meditation is the important first step in getting so present to the present moment – to that space of no-thingness -- that inner space, that contains nothing, but is in no way empty – it is, in fact filled with something, the pervasive sense of sweetness – this conscious power – our innermost being is referred in the Kashmir lineage as Citishakti – the nature of the Self – our own awareness and the conscious power that pervades the universe. From this space, the essence of Black Spruce can help to open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance, and imparts fortitude, grounding and firm self-reliance.

During these intensely changing times, we find many people faced with challenges and crisis much beyond their expectations on a personal and/or business level. Often these situations can seem so overwhelming, it may be difficult to function, leaving one feeling disempowered, out of control, and often burdened with grief. If we find ourselves spinning, ungrounded, we are not present to the power and present of the Supreme Self – like a top spinning – if we do not stop, and get grounded – any of our actions are fruitless, and we continue to gain momentum in our spin.

When crisis or challenges seem to shuts us down, we can take a halt to our activities for a moment – utilize the Frankincense and then bring in the Black Spruce (Picea mariana) a powerful yet underutilized essential oil, distilled from the branches of the native, North American tree.

Let’s take a look at the Black Spruce. The Black Spruce tree can survive in cold, nutrient poor sites and in poorly drained areas such as bogs and swamps. It is known for it/s blue green foliage color and 4 sided leaves (4 is balance, grounding), growing 20 feet tall, often with a “crow’s nest” formation at the top ( a clearer vantage point!).

Traditional uses of this tree, where the pitch or fibers were used as binding or sealing agents in the construction of dwellings, canoes, weapons and tools. Similarly, black spruce has a binding effect on emotions, which have become scattered and uncontrolled due to crisis. When an individual can begin to gather up and sort their emotions, they are able to view the crisis from a clearer vantage point.

Spruce resonates strongly with the Survivor archetype. Survivors can often fall into Victim archetype when under duress, and victims are disempowered people. This oil boosts self esteem and self confidence while banishing feelings of helplessness. Black spruce can impart both spiritual and emotional fortitude, allowing the victim to take back their power. It is particularly effective when combined with Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), whose Arabic name, kedron, is associated with unassailable spiritual strength.

Those who are in crisis are often physically exhausted, and spruce is useful for asthenia, lack of energy and nervous tension. It protects the lungs – known as the “soldiers of the heart” (the organs of grief in traditional Asian medicine), guarding against colds and flu that can suddenly overpower someone who is tired and distraught.

The energetic qualities of black spruce reach out to individuals who are mired in despair, suffering and guilt. Regular use of the oil encourages formation of healthy boundaries, allowing a person to operate from a place of strength while having to negotiate with those who normally disempower them.

Lastly, spruce is associated with the need for forgiveness (love) and acceptance of the part one has played in the crisis situation. Once an individual has recognized the need for self forgiveness, they can proceed to heal their grief by introducing essential oils such as rose – spoken about in the earlier blog.

As we use these oils consciously, they establish themselves within our psyche – assisting us in staying in alignment with Citisakti – the conscious power that pervades the universe. – the Witness – that allows us to perceive things around us without getting involved in them. Recognition: “Ah! This is Who I Am!”

Using black spruce as the primary note in an aromatherapy blend for overwhelming situations provides a gentle and subtle form of healing. It combines beautifully with flower essence remedies such as Five Flower (Rescue Remedy), star of bethlehem, elm and centaury. The clarity, grounding, energy and confidence provided by this oil are restorative and empowering to anyone in crisis or in challenge – enjoy!!