Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 5th - Cinco De Mayo - Freedom - and Oud

  Lots of buzz in the air -- lots going on....
As we move into these summer months -- this auspicious full moon -- the brightest of the year on 5.5.5!!, we reflect.......   jasmine is in full bloom, mangoes are ripening on the tree, and for the first time! There are so many mangoes on the tree -- I cannot even count them -- haven't seen that ever, since I have lived here!!   I have avocados on my tree (albeit - only 3).  I have waited for 8 years!! 
   So spring is in abundance -- with winged changes flying all around.  Freedom in the air.....
This past month was intense for me.... and yet, so full of grace and miracles -- ending up with a new car to drive - a Prius -- 50 mpg!  Now I get to have it smell gorgeous as well. As we look at this new summer season -- with a solar eclipse forthcoming, then a partial lunar eclipse -- then the solstice, all inside of Pluto conjunct Uranus -- all very significant activities...

OUD or Agarwood 
 I was reflecting on a particular colleague of mine, who has focused on the fine distillation of Oud.   Now Oud is a very unique essential oil -- not well know generally, except in those elite, rare circles of Asia and the Middle East.  Those who have perfected their noses to this fine oil.  To our noses, it is a shock at first, it is not like the rose, or neroli that we are use to.  When I received my 1st ml. vial, I was completely shocked. "Unaccustomed Westerner" indeed!  It was not especially pleasant, in fact I thought - "What on earth have I spent my money on!"  My next thought was to wash it off!  but a phone call came in which lasted about 10 min.  When it was over, I returned to sniffing the Oud.  Suddenly, different, still borderline revolting, but now interesting, complicated.  Another ten minutes, I could not stop sniffing it.  It was like something I knew from another time, another world.  Something simultaneously repulsive and irresistibly alluring.  Something profoundly nourishing that until now I didn't know was missing.

It actually comes from a decaying tree, that is riddled with fungus and disease -- to the new nose -- it almost has fecal notes.  However, this oil has been revered for thousands of years by the elite.  The best Oud evokes a sense of sacredness. Their dimensionality borders on the infinite -- it is impossible to fathom them, to ferret out every nuance.  There is always more, and more again.  They will last eight hours at least, sometimes up to thirty-six hours.  You begin to feel that Oud is alive.   It is immensely sacred, and almost holds such a mystical quality -- that it can truly transport the initiate to distant realms. You begin to feel that you have been granted temporary access to the very nectar of the Creator.

I bring this up at this time, specifically, because such an amazing oil is now being degraded in its original processing, and now disappearing completely from this planet.  Much like so many other things  on this planet..... and we don't even know it!!  Right, literally, under our noses!  Due to cheaper methods of production, the distinctly rich, inviting sweetness unique to this oil has been all but watered down to death.  My colleague, Ensar, has witnessed the blending, cutting and watering down that takes place in the products of so-called Oud.   Now, it is even more serious.  In the last two years, all the  wild Agarwood trees have been cut down.  They have been poached,  guards have been bribed, and even killed for these trees -- I kid you not! -- and taken from public lands.  there are just a few left in Borneo -- but they will be gone -- possibly as soon as this is posted.  In addition, dealers are buying back woods that have been sold as incense grade -- why??? Because there is a huge market in China that is paying enormous prices for this wood -- so it can be carved into bracelets, statues, etc.  It is known as "lucky wood".  No more will these olfactory concoctions be available.  Today, I looked to see what Ensar had available in his inventory -- and there was almost nothing.  What was available was high..... like $10,000 for 3 grams, or in two cases  $7 - 800 for 2 grams.  Whoa!!  I feel lucky that I got what I got last year -- precious as the price was -- it wasn't that!!

Two things touched me in this review.  First, the metaphor of this diseased wood, producing such profound oils, and then the disappearance of this fine wood and the metaphor of the temporarily of life itself -- and how much this reflects on everything in our life.   It is deep and profound to the point that we may never know the missing.  Even more moving, was Ensar's commitment to look at possibilities that could deliver  something of the elegance of the past Oud's, AND find a  grower/distiller that would meet his criteria.  His criteria is that the wood does not have any chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides or other forms of chemicals.  In his travels he found again and again the careless infusion of various chemicals - and often harmful chemicals being injected in the woods, thus contaminating the wood so it could not be used for our purposes.  He has found two growers/distillers that will work with him on producing strictly organic Oud.  

I loved his determination, his steadfastness in his procurement.  Not easy in a world that says "this cannot be done!  No one else is asking for this!  Are you crazy?"  This is what is required in our world today -- in the face of seeming insurmountable obstacles - especially profit over principles -- that seems to be so pervasive in the world at this time, we can do it.  Our connection with nature is so very important.   Our oils take us there -- they connect us, and yet are we protecting them?  So many of us are "losing our smell"  we don't have the distinction anymore.  I like to quote Ensar on the sense of smell:

"In the end, your nose will educate you profoundly.  You will not be able to bear the smell of anything compounded of synthetic chemicals.  They will stick in your nose like glue and create a really uncomfortable feeling.  They may smell good for a minute, but then they begin to fall apart.  A true essence is a harmonious unit from beginning to end.  Each one has a unique personality which you often have to study individually over the course of many days.  In the end, it really depends on the purity of your own understanding and heart."

Metaphorically, this is where we are as individuals, as community, as a world.  We are being called to be true to ourselves, to be harmonious, to be patient and to honor each and everyone's unique personality.   I give thanks to God for our plants, for the profound teaching of nature itself.

BTW -- if you want to experience the Ouds -- you are welcome to make an appointment with me, and I will be happy to share the smell experience. 

Hopefully, I have left you with something deeper to think about - something that takes you beyond your daily issues -- into the depth of life itself

With Great Love and Respect  --  Aromatically


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter - Passover - Pascal Triduum. Narcissus, Jasmine, Neroli

Ah Spring! Easter - Passover

A time of renewal, a rebirth if Spirit in it's beautiful physical manifestation. The emerging of the beauty if Shakti in all her glory. The promise of spring, brings us the feeling of renewal within and without.

History: Pascal Triduum Pascal is derived from Passover (Pascha Gk, pesach, Heb). Triduum is the three days from the crucifixion to the resurrection. The first council of Nicaea 325 AD declared the observance of the resurrection to be three full days after the Paschal full moon.
This moon occurs just after the spring equinox and also known as the Egg Moon.

Nature celebrates this time as the spring flower come forth with their brilliance. The full moon aspect is the seed moon, the budding trees moon. It is the nesting of the birds. It is a cleansing time (spring rains), a purifying time, an annointing time - a time to develop, enrich, and bring forth passion. The gem is Diamond! Traditionally, the flower for this month of April is the sweetpea. I have choosen the Narcissus, Jasmine, and the Neroli, because, depending on where you are in the world, you will have different showing. Basically, these three flowers essences really speak to me of opening, renewing, uplifting -- our expression of our own inner light.

Yesterday, I was talking with a friend and I was mentioning my love of this time (Easter time). She was curious, for she did not celebrate this time, as it did not occur as special to her. She was over the bunnies and eggs for example, as that related only to "children".
I explained that I loved this time, since for me it was that time of renewal of that Christ light connection within. That all of nature was expressing that in the newness of flowers, leaves (love that spring green color!), and that recommitment to our own inner light. The fragrances of these beautiful flowers came to me - and I remembered inside of the intensity of these times - so many people are going thru so much!! -- that these fragrances are a boon to our souls, going thru these challenges!

Sometimes, when we are so challenged,, the world may seem like it is coming in on us, and we wonder - can we really make it? Relationship challenges, financial challenges, career challenges, etc. all seem to hit from all different directions. And yet, the Self never changes. How can we reconnect- so we can feel that harmonious flow within, while the chaos flies about us? For me that is what ate visualization of the flowers, being out in nature and smelling the beautiful essences of these plants,

Afterall, when we smell the beauty of the neroli essence in nature, as the citrus trees bloom; we see/smell the jasmine outside our door (in Florida), our spirits are uplifted and we reconnect with the Divine. We know that neroli, jasmine and narcissus are very powerful anti-depressants. So here is a little information on these beautiful essences.

Jasmine: Softly embraces the spirit and heart bringing greater understanding of the conscious mind. Is is said the jasmine has the ability to call the angelic realms close, and to be able to transmit our soul's joy and love to the universe. Jasmine's purpose is to provide us with a safe personal haven, where we can find a greater conscious resonating with our higher self. It helps release worry that we to allow iving in the present moment

Neroli: one of the most precious oils, it is said that it touches the realms of the angels, and anyone who uses it, is brushed with the light of angel wings. Neroli brings light into the day, but is especially usefull whenever mistrust has overtaken reason - and made it difficult for us to sort out what we feel in our true heart, especially during dark periods of our deep depression. Sometimes our pain and sorrow comes from our not being able to see what is blocking us. The Hawaiian shamans say, that if we consciously decide to bring in something into our lives for our heart intention, it will manifest. Neroli is the essential oil that assists the subconscious mind to reveal itself and unite with the conscious mind, bringing awareness to the present moment and help resolve what blocks there may be. Neroli helps us to manifest our deepest desires.

Narcissus: this beauty is the key holder to the doorway to realms beyond inspiration and imagination, a fragrance on which to dream of things untold, unheard and unseen. It helps protect our fragility from fear and anguish, keeping us soaring into infinity, overcoming blockages and linking us with the lore of worlds that have no beginning or end. This beauty encourages inspiration, creativity, and inner vision.

So, with the blessings of this past full moon, the stillness and joy if Easter, the renewing of that light within, and the grace of our precious flowers, I wish you well - to your Brightness and Brillance!!! For these coming times.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Aromatic Quest Revived

Hello 2012!!!  Geeezzz over a year and a half!!!  So interesting being a speck of dust on this spinning planet that moves at such a high rate!!  And the increase of speed we have been experiencing --just cannot be described!!!  My precious oils have traveled with me through this time, creating  a beautiful line of essential oil blends, my new website and a new location for my practice. It is such a privilege to be able to work with these beautiful oils on my journey through life, and teach others how to use them.  I'm always so pleased to experience other people opening up to their beauty and magic.  

I just finished a series of blends for a special order for  a teacher and meditation psychic that uses the oil blends in his classes.  Love It!!  Just because I know the oils are here to serve -- and to see them being used as such, touches my heart.  The blends I made are:  Peace, Oneness, Psyhcic Work, Focus, Spirit Connecting and Meditation.  Each was uniquely prepared to create a certain feeling towards a particular purpose.  Yummmmm - delicious!!    And, I just finished a series of Chakra blends and a Feug Shui SEt with Earth, Water, Air and Fire!!!  What a great day!!