Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In search of the Glorious Gifts of the Plant Kingdom

I'm excited ..... for so many years -- I have been working with the beautiful essential oils -- and many wonderful collegues who also do their expressions of aromatherapy... and finally I'm ready to own my own experiences and results, and share them on this blog. I must say -- it was after watching Julia/Julie last nite, that I got inspired. Maybe breaking up with my boyfriend -- who couldn't stand the smell of essential oils (why was I with him!!-- I think that I lost my mind, and was in total self denial) had something to do with it. You know, because the flowers and plants are so much a part of nature -- so much a part of us -- literally our biology -- I guess I thought that he would "come around" -- I mean -- who really would resist the pure fragrance of jasmine grandiflora or jasmine sambac!!! really! But he couldn't stand it. I tried for years to work with it, disguising it (can you imagine!) - and finally - he called it quits on the relationship yesterday -- (not because of the oils). A part of me is so mad at myself -- because all along -- the oils were showing us that we weren't compatable. But my emotions, and my head told me differently. They even convinced me -- after starting my School of Essential Oils Studies -- that I could just give up my passion!! Imagine that!! with almost with over 150 oils in stock ranging in 1 - 8 oz. jars -- that I was just going to give it up.

So that is why I'm excited today -- even though there is alot of pain in my heart -- loosing someone I truely loved, I feel like the phoenix rising from the ashes -- my beautiful oils, can once again find their place in my heart. Wow!! that opens up so much possiblity. For even when my boyfriend and I were together -- I blended oils (on the Q.T.)-- and used them in ceremony and personal healing blends. Now, I can allow my friends - the oils -- to once again emerge.

So I will post regularly and allow the story of the oils to grow and gift -- as the thoughts emerge from years of working with them.

1 comment:

  1. Patti - I'm glad to hear you started this blog. would you still have the recipe to Cleopatra Rose, the formula you created for me several years ago? Suzanne Dameron
